Hoist - Hack Squat / Dead Lift / Shrug (Roc-it-Series) Hoist - Hack Squat / Dead Lift / Shrug (Roc-it-Series) THIS UNIT IS USED / Dynamic adjustment is the essence behind the new ROC-IT™line from HOIST®. Using ROX™ technology, the user becomes an integral part of the... MSRP: Was: Now: $1,595.00 Add to Cart
BODYKORE SIGNATURE SERIES AB BENCH BODYKORE SIGNATURE SERIES AB BENCH The G208 Plate Loaded ab bench lets the users stack Olympic weights onto the bench to increase to heavy loads. The folding motion targets the mid to upper abdominal muscles Biomechanically correct... MSRP: Was: Now: $760.00 Add to Cart
Sale DXP DELUXE DECLINE PRESS (PLATE LOADED) DXP DELUXE DECLINE PRESS (PLATE LOADED) The DXP Deluxe Decline Chest Press has an upright body position that is comfortable and non-intimidating. It also features converging and iso lateral movements for a natural forward pressing motion and equal... MSRP: Was: $1,895.00 Now: $1,195.00 Choose Options
DXP DELUXE INCLINE CHEST (PLATE LOADED) DXP DELUXE INCLINE CHEST (PLATE LOADED) The DXP Deluxe ISO Lateral Plate Loated Incline Chest Press Incline Press uses horizontal grips to simulate a more traditional bench press, converging movements for a natural forward pressing motion, and... MSRP: Was: Now: $995.00
NAUTILUS TILT SEAT CALF Nautilus Tilt Seat Calf (Plate Loaded) The seated calf is sure to be a member favorite. With adjustable thigh support to accommodate all sizes and wear guards to protect step up legs against high traffic Nautilus Tilt Seat Calf (Plate Loaded)... MSRP: $1,449.00 Was: Now: $1,299.99 Add to Cart
NAUTILUS INCLINE LEVER ROW (PLATE LOADED) Nautilus Incline Lever Row (Plate Loaded) This machine features two hand grip positions for multiple workout variations. Designed with low load points for safe and simple use. Incline Lever Row (Plate Loaded) Features: Low load points for safe and... MSRP: $1,549.00 Was: Now: $1,429.00 Add to Cart
Sale DXP TS200 LEVERAGE GYM DXP TS200 Leverage Gym The DXP TS200 Leverage Gym is one of the most functional single station home gym systems ever created. The heavy duty isolateral lever arms can safely hold up to 500 lbs. The list of exercises is almost... MSRP: Was: $1,395.00 Now: $995.00 Add to Cart